August 12, 2010

Hairspray Photo Recap

I call this: summer stock,theatre — Posted by KP @ 1:54 am

Well Hairspray opens tomorrow, and I know I’ve been terrible about blogging. I just finished my work at 1:15AM, and we have a matinee, so I’m unfortunately not going to stay up all night writing, but I have been taking some photos over the last couple days to share.

Here’s one of the many dozens of fun cues I have in “You Can’t Stop the Beat.” There’s one — I swear to God — when Motormouth pulls off her pants disguise revealing her sparkly dress, the cue perfectly represents in moving light the act of taking one’s pants off and throwing them downstage, revealing a sparkly dress.

The cast and crew after our final dress:

(those two above images are production photos, by Herb Philpott)

Our master carpenter, Nat, took on the task of designing the portal which frames the downstage space. He had a cool concept of doing Andy Warhol-like paintings of our Tracy and Link. Well our painters, Jamie and Helen, have spent the last two days recreating photographs of our actors on two flats which sit on either side of the stage. They are awesome.

Head painter Jamie and her assistant, Helen, paint the Link picture, using a projected photo of Nick Peciaro as their guide.

The painting of Marissa Perry installed on stage.

And the usual calling desk photo: