September 24, 2010

Classic Printer Error Message

I call this: computers,tech — Posted by KP @ 9:46 pm

I’m trying to print the damn wallet cards. My printer is not cooperating. I just need to share this.

So there’s been an error. Or maybe not. Maybe the printer is doing exactly what it’s supposed to be doing, which is printing. But if there’s an error, you should fix the error.


I hate printers. Have I mentioned that? I don’t think I blog much about printers. Because I hate them. I think the reason my process is so paperless is because it allows me to avoid printers as much as possible. So there you go. The majority of the reason for the existence of this very site is because printers suck. So when you’re like, “wow, this is a really useful site!” you can thank a printer.

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