Day 5. The show is staged. The show was staged by lunch. Done.
Obviously there’s plenty of work still to come, but it’s really remarkable that such a complicated show can be taught, staged and choreographed in four-and-a-half days. This gives us lots of time and freedom to refine things and make the show really special.
Today the crew worked nearly 12 hours on stage while we were in the rehearsal studio, and over the course of the day, we were able to peek in and see the stage go from bare, to a tree-covered forest, to covered with the giant “book” platform which dominates the vast majority of the playing space. Tomorrow afternoon we’ll be able to rehearse on stage, where we will start from the top, adjusting to having the actual platforms and levels that we have to work with. Everyone is very anxious to get a real sense of how the show will play with the very 3-dimensional space we have.
After tomorrow’s rehearsal we have our sole day off before opening, which I’m very much looking forward to, knowing that we’re ahead of schedule and in great shape to begin week 2.